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Chinese tea culture plays an important role in the traditional and modern Chinese culture. Some of the young Chinese generation might be lacking of the knowledge about their own traditional culture, so it would not be surprising that they have little knowledge about Chinese tea culture. I love tea and I love the experience/feeling that drinking tea brings to me. There is a trend in the Chinese contemporary society that some people have excessively addressed the tea culture rather than simply drinking tea, which makes the process of drinking tea become an artificial thing. In my own work, I just want to express the beauty of tea cups, then to evoke other people’s interest in tea.  

For me, tea cups only have two functions. First, they are the carriers of tea. Second, the beauty of tea cups may bring a better experience of drinking tea. Tea is just a beverage you would drink when you feel thirsty. But the various combinations of leaves and water would emerge different experiences/feelings.

    This piece of work you may see it as a final project, however, this is just a start. Tea cups might be my life-time research subject. In this project, I tried to keep each step as simple as I could. All of the pieces are made by one part mold, so all of the forms are very simple as well. The glazes that I used in this project are not complicated, it is because I want to convey the idea of purity and simpleness of tea into this project. My project emphasizes that drinking tea is not a sophisticated thing, it is only about DRINKING TEA itself.


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